Who is Gog and Magog

http://mysite.verizon.net/ress8ouv/whoisgogandmagogwellitaintrussia/ Who is Gog and Magog

  Who is that invading GOG and MaGOG in Ezekiel 38-39?

 1 It is GOG the CHIEF PRINCE from MaGOG, Ashkenaz etc in the Pharisee spirit of Esau Amalek  who has ALREADY invaded. 

2. GOG the PRINCE dictates the policy and wars.

 3.  GOG knows the Gospel better than Christians to thus control them. 

4. GOG invaded and made America into the world’s first and foremost communist country. 

5. PRINCE GOG, leader of world powers and enemy of Christ and mankind, worships death and works to bring the world to Armageddon. 

6. GOG builds his zion with blood and iniquity, but Christ has prepared a burning devastation for him and his Jerusalem      GOG, the CHIEF PRINCE of Ezekiel 38-39 Wears a Mask.

The pretenders of prophetic interpretation trample the truth of the Bible to establish their own agenda of destruction and hatred for mankind.  The Bible lists the program and includes the active players in the theatre of history. The roles have not changed. But the mask the players wear has changed.  Instead of following the player through the identification of their role as the Bible clearly states. These pretenders think a different mask equals a different player. But their emphasis on certain masks reveals their true nature in the camouflage business and exposes themselves as true anti-Christs who will do anything under the sun to come as “angels of light” when in truth and reality they are the prince of darkness and what they are pedaling is an anti-Christian view that the Prophets and Jesus and the Apostles have condemned and rejected once and for all.


Sons of Japheth; Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesheck and Tiras; Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. (Genesis 10:2-4)    Who bought the children of Judah and the children of Jerusalem? GOG & his cousins Javan. GOG bought them into ceaseless captivity. (Joel 3:6) And in the context of the captivity of the 10 tribes of Israel and not Judah, Ezekiel  38-39 speaks:“And the Word of the Lord said unto me, “Son of man, set thy face toward GOG, the land of Magog, the CHIEF PRINCE of Meshech and Tubal and prophesy against HIM.”  This CHIEF PRINCE of Meschech is of MaGOG, Ashkenaz and Khazar who were incorporated into the Russian body politic as John Hyrcanus incorporated the archenemy of Israel, Esau-Amalek into Judah in 126 B.C.  That amalgamation of Judah and Edom, as the Jewish Encyclopedia affirms, caused Edom from that date to cease being a nation. Thence Edom became identified as Jews. Ask 90% of the Jews today who they are, and they answer, “Ashkenaz”. As Edom became a Prince of Judea, so also Ashkenaz and Khazar  became a PRINCE of Russia. By the same principle, if you add a few drops of toxic venom to a bottle of honey, you can be assured it is no longer honey. And why in God’s Earth do we not maintain the same scientific principle when the scripture talks about this PRINCE?  Wasn’t the 100 year Bolshevik takeover of Russia through the Bankers of New York supporting Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin and the feeding of Communist Russia with the capitalist West’s wealth done by a mighty PRINCE against all the seeming impossibilities of the West supporting communism? Yet it was done.  PRINCE GOG’S cruel despotic Bolshevik invasion and revolution killed the Russian Czar as the national officer of the Christian-Israelite nation of Russia that is not a part of GOG. Two world wars were fought. Why? Because, PRINCE GOG, in the spirit of Edom, wanted those wars.   PRINCE GOG DICTATES POLICY not the peons and the millions of soldiers who fought to keep it alive. It is the PRINCE first and last, and the scripture talks about the PRINCE and not the peons. Right?    Now who controls the West?   Who controls the world banking system?   Who dictates the policy and administers its malicious senseless programs as in Korea, Viet Nam, the Gulf Wars and in the United States?  It is this same CHIEF PRINCE.  In the 4 Gospels who did Jesus identify as the enemy of mankind? The Pharisees as GOG the CHIEF PRINCE who “compasses sea and land to make one proselyte, and ye make him twice the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15 And who is identified as those who claim to be Jews and are not but are of the SINoGOG of satan? It is GOG-ism’s old, worn-out, unfulfilled, obsolete, barren, collectivist culture that is incapable of producing a man who can make a decision for himself.


If you are Gog or Askenaz or Khazar you have no interest in answering this question nor in knowing the answer, because your main interest is accusing others of being what you really are. The US Civil War, the wars of Europe, WW1 & 2, Korea, Viet Nam, Gulf Wars and many others are not enough to satisfy your insatiable lust for blood. Your cutthroat religion dictates no repentance, no remorse, but vehement hatred and unconquerable lust for destruction. And you keep ignoring the day of God that you hate in which you will be singled out and not your intended victim. Read Obadiah, Isaiah 29 and Jeremiah 29 and be sure to remember 70 A.D. Revelation 16 & 20 speaks of GOG as SATAN loosed out of his prison as 3 unclean spirits like frogs out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and false prophet to lead the nations to Armageddon.  This Armageddon has been fought in stages over a long time from the communist revolutions of 1848 & 1861 to Franco-Prussian War to WW1 & 2 to Gulf War 2 and all the little Armageddons in between. World War 3 is now being fought in stages in the Armageddon Theatre.  Stupid Christendom is boxed in and hypnotized by their silly and narrow nationalistic prejudices and can’t see beyond their pharisaical noses the overwhelming reality of the Kingdom of God because they still hope on observation of a future kingdom. While GOG controls the present, the Christians are allowed the illusion of the illusive and never materialized future! GOG understands the Gospel better than most Christian leaders. That’s why GOG is able to divide, conquer and control Christendom. That is why GOG is in full sway of the greatest country of all Christendom, the USA. GOG sovietized America and resurrected in America the communism that was buried in Germany 1849. Subsequently, GOG’s communism took Russia by the help of the bankers and revolutionaries in communist GOG directed New York, USA.  At least Russia was able to bury their communism. We still lovingly embrace communism. GOG cloaked himself in the greatness of America since the days when Karl Marx and Lincoln were in cahoots to make the second American revolution that made America the world’s first and foremost communist country.  What better position for GOG to be in than to camouflage himself in the greatness of America and from there destroy all America’s friends and continue the war against Russia, because GOG up to now can not openly antagonize Russia, but certainly can undermine Russia by his control of international terrorism.  And if you cannot see GOG in his Biblical portrait then you are either part of GOG’S active system or part of GOG”S inactive system. GOG has seized “FORTRESS AMERICA”  to blackmail all of America’s friends and potential friends as described in the 7th Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion, “if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America.”  If it were not for the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of history in control of all things, no one would be more omnipotent nor possess more of the wisdom of the serpent than GOG. And, that is one of the reasons people don’t know him, because many of his best attributes are like God’s. Gog, you have perfected the art of treacherous dialectics. But you cannot escape being of those 3 evil spirits that rally the world to Armageddon as in the  phrase, “We are going to start WW3 and you can do nothing about it.” Or the pure suicidal Sampson-Massada  complex phrase, “If we go down, we have the capacity to take the whole world with us.” No one but GOG could say these things and fully intend to do it. In other words this hellish mentality is the psychology of Sampson in his chains, rage, blindness and hopelessness when the power of God had left him. Can’t we emulate Sampson when he was in his early love and obedience to God instead of being mixed up with a political cult called Delilah?  The Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians married Delilah-Zionism. She cut their hair, destroyed their dedication, plucked their eyes and made them slaves  and lovers of the culture of death and destruction ruled by Abaddon-Apollyon, king of destroying locusts from the abyss. (Rev.9)  Abaddon represents “a very destructive belief” as “the destructiveness of the locusts of Palestine and the surrounding countries. They quite commonly came up like great armies and ate every living plant in their path. METAPHYSICAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, by Charles Fillmore, Exodus 10:14, 15, Joel 2:3-10 & Rev. 9. All they who hate me love death. (Proverbs 8:36Since we ourselves have embraced the abomination to the point of adoration, we set in motion the inevitable desolation wherein friends and foes compete to do us the perfect harm. AGAIN WHO IS GOG?Much of the following is derived from: THE STRUGGLE FOR THE BIRTHRIGHT, by Dr. Stephen Jones, Chapter 15:  http://www.godskingdomministries.org/Birthright/Chapter15/Chapter15.htmGOG means “great” or “lifted up.” “It is spelled Gimel-Vav-Gimel. The gimel is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Gimel literally means a camel” and symbolically being lifted up as the camel lifts the rider. A camel appears to walk with pride because “it holds its head high with its nose in the air.  All nations have national pride, but it seems” GOG’s pride can be literally rendered “pride and (more) pride.”GOG “is a people having a double dose of pride, think they are better than others,” and “think all others have satanic souls and are therefore not allowed to hinder GOG’S aspirations of world dominion.” The prideful CHIEF/PRINCE of GOG comes from various nations, but he is not the nations of Russia, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, or Germany themselves.  GOG comes out of them, out of Moscow and Tubolsk, cities of Russia; also out of Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer (Germany), and the house of Togarmah for “a war of immigration” on “the mountains of Israel”.  One invader is Togarmah. (Ez.38:6)   “King Joseph of Khazaria, traced his own family tree to Khazar, the seventh son of Togarmah... and this branch of world Jewry is named after Ashkenaz.”  The Khazars took Edom’s Judaism and became twice the sons of hell as Esau.


Again, Ezekiel is NOT speaking of the Russian people, but of the CHIEF PRINCE and his associates who “came as immigrants… not to live” peacefully, “but with the thought of CONQUEST. 

GOG came in waves of immigrants  “thou and many people with thee…a great company“ who “ascend and come like a storm, like a cloud covering the land, thou and all thy bands, and many peoples with thee.””  GOG goes to “a land of unwalled villages” and comes “against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls, having no bars or gates….to take a spoil and make a prey”. (Ezek. 38:8-12)

 This well fits the “wastes” of America where “a people gathered out of many nations” had much goods and “lived in relative safety and  security” until GOG came to collect much spoil. Ez. 38:9-16 But the invaders homeland is not a land of un-walled villages. As of 2004 they have just built a tall new wall.   GOG’s homeland is full of “walls, bars and gates and is now the super power of the Middle East.”  After GOG invaded the un-walled West, GOG invaded the Middle East in his more obvious fashion.    


Few have noticed that Israelite Christian Europe and America, the New JerUSAlem, were invaded and remain so.Why, because just as the Jews of Jesus time, they view Scripture according to their own desires.  “….many theologians have assumed that the Jews are Israel, they first have assumed that Zionism is a movement of Israelites to the old land in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  …many theologians have assumed that the Jews” that Jesus rejected “continued to carry the tribal name of Judah. But Jesus is the prince of the tribe of Judah, and thus the tribe of Judah itself resides in Him and in those who follow Him.  Those who staged a revolt against Him, usurped the throne…and …the name of Judah, in violation of the law, (Lev. 17:4) were cut off...”  So, in God’s eyes, “non-Christian Jews are not legally of the tribe of Judah. The only way a Jew can be re-instated into the tribe of Judah is if he quits the revolt and is grafted to Jesus, who is the trunk of the Judah Tree. Those who continue in the revolt are legally defined as God’s enemies.”  And, theologians ignored Ezekiel’s Israel as being Europe, America and Christian Muslim Syria, the root stock of Israel which includes Palestine, Lebanon & Iraq.             The Christians ignored Britain as one of the Israel nations.                                                      “They assumed that Gog was Russia.” “They assumed that the nations listed in Ezek. 38, 39 would send” huge armies of “uniformed national troops to invade…” INSTEAD GOG STEALTHILY SECURED HIS FOOTHOLD IN AMERICA, BRITAIN, FRANCE, GERMANY ETC. AND PLANTED HIS/THEIR PROGRAM IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE WEST FIRST BEFORE GOG COULD IMPOSE HIS ILLUSIONS ON HISTORY AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE REALITY.  But, God says GOG’S invasion is doomed: “ with pestilence and with blood I enter into judgment with him; and I rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire, and brimstone. . (Ezekiel. 38:22)  just as in the first overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah when “the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord;” (Gen. 19:24)  the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. (Revelation 11:8) Christians who are with the PRINCE of GOG are playing the role of Judas and have accepted the enemies of Jesus Christ as brothers in the Lord. In doing this, they have confirmed the Jews in their desolating abomination and state of unbelief thus helping the Jews and their victims into inevitable disasterWhen GOG assumed the name Israel, he also accepted the citizenship, duty, blessings and curses that go with it.   They are a type for a re-run if we choose. So where are the good fruits and blessing to mankind that this people is supposed to deliver? “They build up Zion with blood and Jerusalem with inequity. Therefore, Zion is plowed and Jerusalem ruins.” (Micah 3:10-12) “Judah multiplied fenced cities; but I am sending a fire upon his cities, and it devours the palaces thereof. (Hosea 8:14) To escape the curses Israel must realize that they have no future apart from Christ.  “The judgment upon GOG is upon the corporate body of people—the nation called “Israel.” It is not directed at every individual Jew.”  The divine fulfillment of Judah’s religion is Jesus Christ, King of Judah and the whole universe. Without the required good fruit, Christ promises GOG’s Israel - Jerusalem - Ariel, to “become as fine dust” “instantly” and “suddenly,” accompanied “ with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.” (Isaiah 29:5,6)  "They said. We are impoverished and return to build the desolate places. Christ says, They build but I throw down and call them people against whom the Lord hath indignation forever.”  (Malachi 1:1-5) May the incarnate God, the Lord of history, the King of suffering and dying and resurrection jolt you in His resurrection to wake you to GOG’s wiles, to see the truth and follow in His footsteps into His Everlasting Kingdom for outside are “dogs…murderers, idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” (Rev. 22:15) 

GOG AND MAGOG has invaded the entire world with the blessings, “financial support and liturgical encouragement” of Christendom who “have truly dug their own ecclesiastical graves.”